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eSignal 8 start - crash - 0x00000014 memory can’t be read

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  • eSignal 8 start - crash - 0x00000014 memory can’t be read

    First sorry for my English , hope you can give me an help about a problem with eSignal 8.

    I start Data Manager and it connect correctly, it show green color and on the window it tell reception and password OK.
    When I open eSignal for first appear a message telling ( Failed to create empty document )
    I click ok and eSignal and it open , on the bottom it show two green box with OK , but on the default quote window I don’t get any data and also the one default chart is blank , for the rest I can’t do anything , if I click of any menu it don’t show the menu list , if I right click on the chart that appear as default it give this error
    ( eSignal Page – Welcome to eSignal: winsig.exe – Application error
    -- Instruction 0x5b181531 refer to memory 0x00000014 memory can’t be read
    -- Click OK for end application )

    Then when I click OK it close eSignal but Data Manager remain working with green icon .
    I tried to open first eSignal but Data Manager don’t start together and if I click for start it I have pc like freeze for long moment that can’t open any other application or a simply folder.
    I tried to uninstall and install again , also with deleting file like WINROS.INI and all the file to delete told me by eSignal Support but is the same.

    My system is Windows XP Professional SP2 and firewall is disabled

  • #2
    Hi Max_Net,
    It sounds like there are some problems with one of you windows or charts within your eSignal page/layout. What I would recommmend first is this.

    While eSignal and the DM are closed, In the C:\Windows Directory you have you winsig.ini file. Open this file using Notepad and find the following line entry. Layout=C:\Program Files\eSignal\(Your Layout Name). Find this line and remove the last portion (The you're file name), save and close the file. Try launching the eSgnal and and select a different Layout/Page they you were using before. See if this correct the problem. If you continue to have this problem with a new layout/page you may want to go to suggestion 2 on this list. or Call out Support department for assistance.

    Suggestion 2 Here is a link from the eSignal Knowledge Base that will assist in uninstalling the eSignal. In the instructions it does say to remove the esignal Folder. I would recommmend that you simply rename this folder so that you don't completely lose all of you layouts/pages in the process.

    I hope this helps

    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Hi AveryH thank for your reply , I had the problem already when first time I opened eSignal , I never had the time to save my Layout and also with uninstalling and deleting files that are described in the link you post the problem was the same .
      I contacted customer support and talking with Elmar the problem is fixed now, by removing the “ Page “ folder that I have by default in the eSignal folder – program , now it seem work fine.

      Since that when I was having the problem it was showing for few seconds a chart and a quote window I will try your solution too with replacing the Page folder removed and on the file that will show in Layout=C:\Program Files\eSignal\(Layout Name) I will proceed like you wrote for see if that too will work.
      I will do that later today or tomorrow and I will post here the result


      • #4
        Hi Avery I tried your suggestion

        I found WinSig file in C:\Program\eSignal\Docs

        the part you refer is wrote:
        Layout=C:\Program Files\eSignal\Pages\Advanced

        I deleted the last part (Advanced ) and it seem to work correctly also with the folder ( Pages ) that I removed before .

        Thank for your help

